6 Things to Consider: How to be Successful During Challenging Times

6 Things to Consider
How to be Successful During Challenging Times

In the course of the life of a business, and one in business, there are good times and times that are more challenging. Some come naturally and others are forced upon us, such as now during the time of Covid-19.

Listening to many business leaders around me I have come up with these 6 items to help you through those challenging times.

#1 – Be a Leader
Many will look at a challenging time as a time to reflect. But what you really want to be is be a leader and help yourself and others get through those times. Look of it as an opportunity and not a challenge.

#2 – Not a Time to Stop Spending Completely
A first reaction is to find ways to conserve your finances. And the quickest and easiest is to stop spending. Of course you’re going to pay those essential expenses such as rent, electric etc. But it’s not the right time to cut back on Advertising. Especially if your competition is still spending and even more important if they are not.

#3 – Reach Out to Others
Reach out to your clients. Your present ones and ones that you’ve done business with in the past. Ask them how you can help them. Also reach out to those who you have meet while Networking. This is true during any time since even those can be a referrer.

#4 – Look to Social Media
This is especially true during the current times since more people are spending more time on social media. But which one? Facebook and Instagram are the two biggest today, but you’d only want to use whichever social media platforms that your potential clients will be using. For me it’s these two, but there are others and they may be better suited for you. Some of those are Pinterest, Snap Chat, and Tik-Top, just to ahem a few. If you are on Facebook, it loves it when you Like, Share and Comment on post.

#5 – Don’t Reinvent, Be Innovated
Look at what is working and keep doing it. If it’s not working, maybe it has never really been working. Try new things.

#6 – Don’t Be Afraid to Go Virtual
Even before being forced to go Virtual there was a fear of going Virtual and not meeting in person. Either as part of an Networking Events, or having a 1 on 1. I know since I was one. With Covid-19 we have been forced to do it. However, some of us are still afraid. Don’t be. It’s like everything, the more you do it, the more natural it becomes.

In the coming days I will be working to expand this with more information under each of the 6 Items. Sign up to received the completed piece.