6 Things: Being Productive at Home During Covid-19

For over a month now many of us have been working at home due to Covid-19. How are you adjusting? Here are 6 tips that may help get you to the point that you can comfortably work at home. I’m sure most of you are there, especially those who regularity work from home.

1) Keep your Schedule/Create a Schedule.
You had a pretty regular schedule before, why aren’t you keeping it now? Of course things may be different, you may be working at home with your spouse, or have kids that are home doing school work.. You schedule may have been forced to change. Find or create a schedule that works and keep to it, just as you would have been doing.

2) Create a Workspace
Are you now working at home all of the time, instead of a few hours per week? Before you may have been working at your kitchen table. Now you may have to share it. Create a space for you. It may only be in a corner in the spare room, one that you may have to share with your spouse and kids. Hopefully it can be yours, but if not create a work schedule (see Tip 1).

3) Learn New Things
Do you no longer have a commute? Now forced to do video calls? Take that time to catch up on some training that you’ve put off or some new ones.

4)Take Care of Yourself
It’s way too easy to walk to the fridge to get a snack. Now is not the time to develop bad habits. Continue your daily routines and get some exercise.

5) Be Creative
The old saying is when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. That’s one way of being creative in the ways you do things. Working from home is not the same as working in an office, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t do the same things. Just find new and creative ways to do them.

6) Don’t be Alone
We are in a time of Self-isolation with limited physical contact with people. But that doesn’t mean no contact. Have a question you would usually ask a co-worker. Now you can’t go to their work area, but you can pick up the phone. They actually may be glad to hear your voice. The same for clients. Those that you are actively working with and those that you have worked with in the past. Have a conversation with a former client and see how you may be able to help.

Have you been going to networking events, Rotary, Lions, BNI or other Business type Networking events, etc. and are missing them. Contact the leaders and see if it’s possible to do remote video calls.

I know that these are logical tips, but maybe you just needed to see them to change the way you are currently working to one where you can work better.

There is an Eastern Shore Connect Networking Video Call each Thursday at noon. Our link can be found on the Facebook Page or email for the link