Is your Instagram Optimized for Search?

By making a few changes within your Instagram Account and posts will assist in people finding you and attract new followers. Ones that are looking for you, your services and branding.

1) Have a Searchable User Name
Let your user name tell people what you are about. What you do. I have an Instagram account for my photography and I have photographer as part of my user name.

Are you working in a Wellness Industry and are a Yoga Instructor? Wellness and Yoga are two of your keywords and either would be great to use as part of your User Name.

Regardless have your username as one that is searchable. Don’t use irrelevant symbols or made-up words.

2) Have a primary keyword in your display name
You have 30 letters in your display name, add a keyword.

3) Have Keywords in your Bio.
You do want your Bio to read well, but don’t be afraid to let people know what you do.

4) Think of your hashtags as keywords
Hashtags are one of the ways that non-followers will find your content. Don’t feel overwhelmed when you create hashtags. You don’t want to create one hashtag set and always use it. It’s better to create different sets for each different topic.

5) Use Image Alt Text
Did you even know you could add these in Instagram? This is part of an Accessibilty feature of Instagram.

How to edit your alt text
• Before you share your photo, click on the advanced settings tab at the bottom.
• Scroll to the bottom and tap on “write your alt text.”
• Add your image description, save it and share your image.

Other options in the Advance Settings include:
• Turn Off Commenting
• Share Posts to Facebook
• Branded Content

6) Your Image Captions are also Title Tags
When you post, Instagram creates a unique URL. They use the photo’s caption as the title tag. Google will only use the first 60 character so you’ll want to use any relevant keywords at the beginning of the caption.

By making a few changes to the way you use Instagram you can increase your chances of having your target follower/Audience to find your account and posts.

Follow me on Instagram at:
SGAtkinson_Photographer or ShoreToBeFun